If you could do something plain and simple now to prevent a future decline in your brain health, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Many of us get worried when our memory isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be, or we can’t focus and think as clearly as we want to. Even so, until brain function is in overt decline, most of us are offered few or no options for recovering healthy brain function before it is too late.
In my late twenties I helplessly watched my grandmother slowly slip into dementia. One day when I stopped by for a visit, I shared with her that I had just been to a baptism. I was dismayed when she responded, “Oh my! Was there a lot of blood?” What had happened to my brilliant grandmother? Where had she gone? Right then and there I wanted answers for her brain health, and for my own, fearful that I harbored a gene that would one day express in the complete loss of self.
A year later, in gross anatomy class, I held a three pound brain in my hands. The mass of grey lumpy sausages looked like an impossible mystery. How could this be the orchestrator of thought and bodily function?
In that moment my journey began into the inner workings of our brain and nervous system. I dove with greedy interest into neurology and years later into the latest research in natural support for better brain function. Right then and there a tiny seed was planted. That seed has now blossomed into Keeping Your Brain Brilliant, my 6-week online course dedicated to helping individuals craft their own natural brain care program. This course comes from my heart: my zeal for the workings of the human body, my passion for using plants as medicine and my love for my Grandmother. May many future grandmothers and grandfathers benefit from this offering.
There are only a few days left to register for Keeping Your Brain Brilliant with Dr. Charis Lindrooth. The first live class will be Monday, October 22, 7 PM EST. All live classes will be recorded and available as replays until August, 2019
Here’s what’s best about this course:
Information is presented in an easy-to-understand format. Learning can be fun!
Guest speakers each week add to the rich content with their own unique perspective on brain health.
While the course runs live for 6 weeks, you have 10 months to complete and review the material.
BEST of all? Using weekly self-assessments, you will be guided through the steps so that you can create your own custom, natural brain care protocol. In just 6 weeks you will be well on your way to better cognitive health.
Course Outline:
Monday, October 22: EXPLORATION with Dr. Charis Lindrooth: Introduction and tour of the brain and learn where pitfalls can arise.
Thursday October 25: The Brain and Heart Connection with Guido Masé
Monday, October 29: NUTRITION with Dr. Charis Lindrooth: Learn 3 essential nutrients for the brain, why they are important, and how they improve brain function.
Thursday, November 1: Brain Function with Tammi Sweet
Monday November 5: STRESS with Dr. Charis Lindrooth: Understand how stress affects your brain function, and what you can do about it.
Thursday November 8: Meditation for Better Brain Function with Deb Soule.
Monday November 13: DIGESTION with Dr. Charis Lindrooth: Find out how the gut and brain are connected and how addressing hidden digestion issues can improve your mood, cognition and memory.
Thursday November 15: Clear Mind, Clear Body: Better Mental Health through Tissue State Balance with Kat Maier
Monday November 19: IMMUNITY: you will learn about “neural auto-immunity” and how immune function affects brain function, and of course what to do about it.
Tuesday November 20: Smart Herbs – using plants instead of drugs to enhance brain function with David Winston (this class is pre-recorded and will be available at your convenience).
Monday November 26: NEURO-CHEMICALS with Dr. Charis Lindrooth: an overview of 4 key chemicals present in healthy brains that influence your mood, function and cognition.
Thursday November 29: Final Roundup: Q&A Session with Dr. Charis Lindrooth. By this time you will have a rough draft of your natural brain care protocol. Bring your questions and she will help you solidify your plan.
What people are saying about this course:
“I am loving the class you are teaching now and can’t wait to learn more!! The more we know the better! Your teaching brings it to a place that is both easy to understand and empowering. Thank you!” ~ Cheryl
“More than any other source of information, from books and medical guides, Charis’ organized presentation has helped me make sense of and find tools for addressing my own early cognitive issues that 5 years ago accompanied a host of other autoimmune symptoms. I would highly recommend this.” ~ Donna
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