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Tag: Rosemary Gladstar

Stocking Your Home Medicine Kit

The key to using natural remedies against common winter-time illnesses is catching initial symptoms and having the right remedy at arm’s length. Recognizing symptoms early ...
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“Nectar of the Gods”: Olive Oil for a Better Brain

“Let food be your medicine” is a banner that followers of the Mediterranean diet could legitimately wave with enthusiasm. They could raise a second banner, ...
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Learning from the plants

I cannot remember the first time I met Rosemary Gladstar, or heard her speak.  For certain it happened when I attended the New England Women’s ...
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Being a Plant Ally

Every year the first days of spring hold magic for me.   When the earth begins to thaw, it’s fragrance beckons me to withstand it’s ...
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Plant Path

I remember the first time I went on an “herb walk.”  This event coincided with my first herbal conference, one of the most healing and ...
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