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Category: Food as Medicine

An Essential Nutrient for the Brain

Did you know that fluid in your bladder, as well as adequate cellular hydration, triggers alertness? This is why we wake up at night when ...
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Chanchal Cabrera’s Recipe for Golden Milk

Chanchal Cabrera’s Recipe for Golden Milk Recipe by Chanchal Cabrera, from her book, Holistic Cancer Care Turmeric is best absorbed with black pepper and some ...
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Charis’ Curried Greens

Pin Print Charis’ Curried Greens Recipe by Charis Lindrooth, D.C. This recipe was inspired by my love of Saag and Indian food. I make it ...
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Charis Lindrooth

My life might have been different

A young woman walks into a health clinic complaining of disabling menstrual pain, tension headaches, tight, sore muscles, and fatigue. At this moment, she has ...
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Cordyceps Soup

Ginger Coconut Cordyceps Egg-Drop Soup

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Hawthorn Jam

Guido’s Hawthorn Berry and Black Currant Jam

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Too Cold for Smoothies! ❄

I noticed this week that I’ve lost my taste for my daily smoothie – or at least I became aware that I needed another sweater ...
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Easy Winter Squash Soup

When I was a girl, I loved to snitch my mother’s biggest cooking pot and take it to the back yard where the edge of ...
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Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory Symptoms

Some of the best respiratory remedies can be found in our kitchens! This is great news during this period of crisis when many medications are ...
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Hobbs Blender Tea

Hobbs’ Blender Tea Recipe

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