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Tag: Healthy

An Essential Nutrient for the Brain

Did you know that fluid in your bladder, as well as adequate cellular hydration, triggers alertness? This is why we wake up at night when ...
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Charis’ Curried Greens

Pin Print Charis’ Curried Greens Recipe by Charis Lindrooth, D.C. This recipe was inspired by my love of Saag and Indian food. I make it ...
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Hey! Your Brain is Fat!

I love fat…eating it, that is.  Even with the recent publicity about the benefits of eating fat and the detrimental effects of avoiding it completely, many ...
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Smart Crackers

I admit it.   I get peckish in the afternoon.  In other words, I like snacks! When a person has decided to limit gluten and ...
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A Little Dirt Doesn’t Hurt

“Bacteria,” “dirty,” “microbes,” these words might conjur up feelings of disgust and images of illness.  Recent research is teaching us just the opposite is true. ...
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