Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


Tag: Herbs

Yarrow: A Warrior Healer

A common wildflower across the United States, yarrow’s white-to-pink flowers are easy to spot in fallow fields and roadsides. The leaves of this medicinal plant ...
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Walk the Plant Path

I remember the first time I went on an “herb walk.” This event coincided with my first herbal conference, one of the most healing and ...
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Make Friends with Mullein

In the “Back 20” we have a field of uncultivated wildness. I love to wander there in the early morning. The Farmer, my hub, has ...
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Remembering to Listen with Ginkgo

My husband and I took a day off together.  A rare thing for us in the summer, since he spends many hours farming and farmer’s-marketing. ...
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“When In Doubt, Try Nettles!”

This quip was pronounced by David Hoffman, herbal guru of immense proportion, at the International Herbal Symposium some years ago. While his audience laughed at ...
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