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Tag: Cardiovascular

Hawthorn Jam

Guido’s Hawthorn Berry and Black Currant Jam

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Chocolate, Intimacy and the Heart by Guido Masé

Love, death, rebirth – such is the cycle of fertility and renewal. Perhaps none knew this better than the Mesoamerican cultures that dwelled in present-day ...
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Natural Cardio Care

Pay Attention to Your Heart by Guido Masé

The following excerpt is published with permission from Guido Masé. Read more on his blog. Begin with your heart, your pulse. Take a moment to ...
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The Hawthorn Tree: Food for the Heart

Plants under stress begin to overproduce valuable pigments called “polyphenols.” These precious micronutrients abound in berries and other highly pigmented fruits and vegetables, and, when eaten, they ...
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Hawthorn: Food for the Heart

Plants under stress begin to overproduce important ecological pigments called “polyphenols” These precious micronutrients abound in berries and other highly pigmented fruits and vegetables. The hawthorn tree ...
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Resonance of the Heart

Wikipedia defines heart rate variability (HRV) as the “physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats.” Furthermore it is “measured by the variation ...
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Cacao, Love and the Heart by Guido Masé

Love, death, rebirth – such is the cycle of fertility and renewal. Perhaps none knew this better than the Mesoamerican cultures that dwelled in present-day ...
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Food for Heart

An African Shaman I once knew said, “The short way to reach any goal is to follow your heart…follow your head instead and it will ...
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