Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


Tag: Spirit

What would you share if you knew your message would reach 10,000 people?

If you had words of wisdom to share with ten thousand people, what would you say? I asked my mother how her mother, Grandma Bea, ...
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Learning to Balance with Parkinson’s

I awoke early to the rising crescent moon, red as the poppies in the field below the barn. A dream followed me into that first ...
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The Art of Plant Communication

Plants and trees give us life. But the exchange isn’t one-sided. Through our breath, specifically the carbon dioxide we exhale, we also give them life. ...
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Love Lifts Us

My community lost a bright light this week.  Through a terrible tragedy, we are mourning the death of a woman who brought wisdom, joy and ...
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Plant Path

I remember the first time I went on an “herb walk.”  This event coincided with my first herbal conference, one of the most healing and ...
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