Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


Category: Herbal Medicine

Make your own Magnesium Lotion

Make your own Magnesium Lotion Recipe by Chanchal Cabrera, from her book, Holistic Cancer Care Use this lotion to relax smooth muscles and improve circulation. ...
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Cordyceps militaris

Age Gracefully with Cordyceps

As we age, change is inevitable. We look at ourselves in the mirror and trace the passage of time – often, we see our aging ...
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Charis and Mom

The Role of Intuition for the Herbalist

When I was little, my mom taught me about the difference between taking action from my head and taking action from my heart. Making decisions ...
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Energetic Herbalism

Energetic Herbalism: The ancient practice that superpowers plants

Kat Maier and I have been “scheming” for over a year – we’re excited to offer The Power of Energetic and Intuitive Herbalism on Saturday, January 21. ...
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Step Out of Brain Fog: Official Guide

Using this guide Use this guide to organize your notes, follow the webinar replay, and capture some of the highlights of Guido Masé’s class. A ...
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Guide to Respiratory Resilience

Every year, especially during cold and damp times, we are exposed to a heightened level of respiratory pathogens entering our bodies. The past couple of ...
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Guido Mase

When I Met Guido Masé

  The first time I met Guido Masé was after I had already invited him to teach at the first Allies for Plants and People ...
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Chocolate, Intimacy and the Heart by Guido Masé

Love, death, rebirth – such is the cycle of fertility and renewal. Perhaps none knew this better than the Mesoamerican cultures that dwelled in present-day ...
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What Herbs Teach Us by Guido Masé

The following are some thoughts that were part of Guido Masé’s presentation to the Bastyr community during the Herb and Food Fair. Re-published with his ...
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Stocking Your Home Medicine Kit

The key to using natural remedies against common winter-time illnesses is catching initial symptoms and having the right remedy at arm’s length. Recognizing symptoms early ...
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