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Tag: Heart

What would you share if you knew your message would reach 10,000 people?

If you had words of wisdom to share with ten thousand people, what would you say? I asked my mother how her mother, Grandma Bea, ...
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Hawthorn Jam

Guido’s Hawthorn Berry and Black Currant Jam

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The Art of Plant Communication

Plants and trees give us life. But the exchange isn’t one-sided. Through our breath, specifically the carbon dioxide we exhale, we also give them life. ...
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Chocolate, Intimacy and the Heart by Guido Masé

Love, death, rebirth – such is the cycle of fertility and renewal. Perhaps none knew this better than the Mesoamerican cultures that dwelled in present-day ...
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Natural Cardio Care

Pay Attention to Your Heart by Guido Masé

The following excerpt is published with permission from Guido Masé. Read more on his blog. Begin with your heart, your pulse. Take a moment to ...
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Finding Peace: A Personal Yoga Journey with Kerry Smith

When someone develops a regular yoga practice, even one as simple as mindful breathing, miracles can happen. For me yoga has been an incredibly personal ...
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Poetry for the Heart

As a tribute to Mary Oliver, beloved poet by every plant- lover I know, I wanted to share a poem by Guido Masé, with his ...
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A Symphony of Healing

I woke up this morning thinking about my Dad. I used to think 50 was old. He’s in his 80’s now, but shortly after his ...
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Hawthorn: Food for the Heart

Plants under stress begin to overproduce important ecological pigments called “polyphenols” These precious micronutrients abound in berries and other highly pigmented fruits and vegetables. The hawthorn tree ...
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Herbal Medicine: the Thread that Connects Us to Nature by Guido Masé

I am an endless optimist. I believe we can have access to the amazing technologies we’ve developed, and stay sustainable, too – but only if ...
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