Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


Tag: Herbal

Chanchal Cabrera’s Recipe for Golden Milk

Chanchal Cabrera’s Recipe for Golden Milk Recipe by Chanchal Cabrera, from her book, Holistic Cancer Care Turmeric is best absorbed with black pepper and some ...
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Energetic Herbalism

Energetic Herbalism: The ancient practice that superpowers plants

Kat Maier and I have been “scheming” for over a year – we’re excited to offer The Power of Energetic and Intuitive Herbalism on Saturday, January 21. ...
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The Hawthorn Tree: Food for the Heart

Plants under stress begin to overproduce valuable pigments called “polyphenols.” These precious micronutrients abound in berries and other highly pigmented fruits and vegetables, and, when eaten, they ...
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Herbal Holidays

As the holidays approach, searching for the perfect recipe gathers momentum. We all have our favorites that we rely on year in and year out ...
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Natural Cardio Care: An Herbalist’s Perspective with Guido Masé

Cardiovascular issues touch the lives of over 84 million people in the US, and remains the leading cause of death for both men and women. ...
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Learning from the plants

I cannot remember the first time I met Rosemary Gladstar, or heard her speak.  For certain it happened when I attended the New England Women’s ...
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Being a Plant Ally

Every year the first days of spring hold magic for me.   When the earth begins to thaw, it’s fragrance beckons me to withstand it’s ...
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Stocking Your Own Herbal Apothecary

The key to using natural remedies against common winter-time illnesses is catching initial symptoms and having the right remedy at arm’s length.  Recognizing symptoms early ...
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