Herbal Holidays

Walnut Kisses
Walnut Kisses and more: Recipes

As the holidays approach, searching for the perfect recipe gathers momentum. We all have our favorites that we rely on year in and year out to make this gastronomic holiday unforgettable. Since these dishes are loaded with fats and sugars, many eaters experience digestive woes that often last a day or two after the festivities.

My family loves traditional calorie-laden foods dripping with gooey yumminess, but as a healer, I take pride in making a meal that is as healthful as it is delicious. I’m always looking for ways to re-create traditional recipes with a healthy twist. I know I have succeeded when friends and family ask for seconds.

As an herbalist, I often use food as medicine, and it’s easy to find digestive-supportive ingredients in my kitchen cabinet or on my spice rack:

Carminative herbs stimulate digestion, easing gas and bloating and encouraging peristalsis, the action of the small intestine. Carminatives often make a soothing after-dinner tea, or they can be added to dishes for both flavor and digestive support. My go-to carminative is fennel which offers quick relief for gas and bloating and is very safe for kids.

Other bitter herb favorites include:

  • Anise
  • Caraway
  • Cardamom
  • Ginger
  • Dill
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint

Bitter herbs have been used for ages to support healthy digestive function. We are equipped with bitter receptors on the tongue, stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas. When activated by bitter foods, they promote the production of digestive juices such as stomach acid, bile, and enzymes, which break down food and assist in the absorption of nutrients. Bitter foods also help balance blood sugar, keep sugar cravings at bay and improve metabolism.

Dark green or red leafy veggies such as kale, dandelion, arugula, radicchio, and endive top my list of culinary bitter treats. Orange peel, grapefruit, dandelion or burdock root, and even hops can also do the trick. A small glass of well-made ale and a radicchio salad might be just the thing when eating a heavy meal. 

I begin my holiday recipe searches by looking for appetizers to help prepare their digestive systems for the onslaught of overindulgence. This is where herbal bitters take the spotlight. 

Garden to Table: Spring Bitters Salad with Sweet Vinegar Dressing

Recipe by Lindsay Kluge



Read more: https://www.suiteonestudio.com/blogs/news/garden-to-table-spring-bitters-salad-with-sweet-vinegar-dressing


  • 1 cup fresh dandelion leaves (available at your local grocery store, or right from your backyard), coarsely chopped
    To make this dish more seasonal and colorful, try substituting red radicchio for the dandelion.

  • 1/2 head red romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped

  • 10 sprigs fresh parsley, coarsely chopped

  • 1 fennel bulb, thinly sliced

  • Pistachios

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing
  • 1/4 cup Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 1 tbsp raw honey (or more to taste)

  • 1/2 tsp oregano

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder


  • Add all greens + parsley to a large bowl
  • Top with thinly sliced fennel pieces and shelled pistachios to taste
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing
  • Mix all ingredients in a small jar and shake well (as often as needed) to mix in the honey
  • Serve lightly atop your Bitters Salad for a hint of added sweetness and to stimulate your digestive fire! Keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Once I have their bellies prepped for digestion, I think about ways to include as many vegetables as possible in the main and side dishes. Not only does this make the meal nutritious for everyone, but also adds enough healthy fiber to their meal to keep things moving down below.

Mashed Parsnips and Potatoes

Recipe by Charis Lindrooth, D.C.


  • Parsnips (peeled and cored)

  • Potatoes (skin on for more fiber)

  • Butter

  • Cream

  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)


  • Boil potatoes and parsnips until soft
  • Drain and mash
  • Blend until creamy
  • Add butter, cream, salt, and pepper to taste

Of course, we can’t forget about dessert! Even if my family finds a way to avoid my other herbal digestive aids, I can offer a rich and delicious dessert (with a little herbal magic mixed in), and they always come back for more. 


  • 16 oz. bittersweet dark chocolate

  • 8 oz. Coconut Oil

  • 1 cup finely chopped walnuts

  • ¼ cup dried and finely powdered digestive herbs (dandelion, peppermint, chamomile, etc.) You can vary the herbs in this formula. Try your own herbal combinations. Just be sure that herbs are finely powdered, and remember the flavor of the herbs will affect the flavor of your herbal candy (though the chocolate is quite good at disguising the flavors)

  • 1 tsp. pure Vanilla Extract

  • Coarsely ground Pink Himalayan Salt

  • Optional: 2-3 tablespoons grated fresh ginger (not dried)

  • * If using Turmeric in your herbal candy, add a small amount of coarsely ground black pepper (it’s said to activate or synergize the turmeric and make it more bio-available); approximately ½ teaspoon will do.  


  • Melt Chocolate & Coconut oil together over low heat. 
  • Stir in Vanilla and add herbs.  Stir well, making sure there aren’t any lumps.
  • Stir in finely chopped nuts. * Can add a little shredded coconut, too, if you like
  • Pour into a shallow baking dish. 
  • Sprinkle the top lightly with coarse ground pink Himalayan salt - or a salt of your choice ~ there are so many to choose from today! You can also sprinkle coarsely ground rosemary, rose petals, or other powdered herbs for color and flavor.
  • Set in a cool (or cold) place to harden. While still soft, roll it into balls, or better yet, score it into small pieces; this will make it easier to cut or break when the chocolate has hardened.


  • Important!  Store in a cool place, away from heat. The coconut oil will cause this chocolate to ‘melt in your hands’ and not in your mouth if it gets warm, so be sure to store it in a cool place.

When all else fails, I always come prepared with a bottle of digestive bitters! 

Urban Moonshine Digestive Bitters
Urban Moonshine Digestive Bitters: Learn more

Want more recipes? Here are some tried and true low-carb recipes your family will love –> Click here to get a few printer-friendly recipes!

When approaching the holidays with a loving heart and mindfulness, you can be assured that everyone will be able to enjoy this sacred time with nothing but thanks to give!

???? Looking for the perfect holiday gift for the herbalist in your life? Here are a few ideas sure to inspire vibrant health in yourself and those you love:

????  Food for Optimal Health with Paul Bergner

????  The Complete Program – Ketosis: Jumpstart Radical Healing with Kerry Smith

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