The Science of “WOW!” 💥

I’m a thrill seeker.

Okay, that might be an overstatement. More to the point, I am an “awe” seeker.

I’m blessed to live in a home where I can easily watch the sky. Peachy sunrises, golden sunsets, and recently, the giant golden supermoon in the east and a comet in the western sky. Ah! And the northern lights that bewitched me last week.

I consider these moments good medicine. Nothing lifts me out of myself better than a “wow” experience in nature. The impact on my psyche and relief from my Parkinson’s symptoms is so noticeable that I became curious about the brain chemistry involved with “awe.”

Of course I did! 🤓

And it turns out science is curious about awe, too.

For some time we have known that experiences in nature such as stargazing, camping, and hiking promote mental and physical health. And moving experiences such dancing and singing can lift depression and even extend life expectancy.


A recent article explored “awe” as a key element in the healing benefits of these experiences.

Now recognized as a distinct emotion, we feel awe when faced with “vast” stimuli – the sensation that something is much bigger than us. 

Awe has a distinct neurological expression in the body – goosebumps, reduced stress response and increased vagal tone (think resting and digesting).

Neurochemically, we find elevated oxytocin, a hormone connected with social bonding and contentment.

And possibly the most awe-inspiring aspect of awe is a “robust” anti-inflammatory impact. Just reading this, and feeling “wow!” might lower your inflammation! 🥳

Icing on the cake? Awe lifts us out of depression. For me, this is profound. Gazing at the fluorescent pink northern lights made my worries feel tiny compared to the vast, wondrous sky. It made me feel small and yet one with the universe. I wanted to laugh, exclaim, cry joyfully, and hold someone’s hand.

Don’t underestimate the power of this medicine. It’s available all around us. To find it, practice opening your senses and seek awe. You might find it in a spectacular view of the moon, but you might also find it in a moment of kindness from a stranger.

Share these moments with others, journal, create art – celebrate the moments and collect them for cold, grey days when you need a lift.

Have you recently experienced awe? Tell me about it! How did it make you feel? Did you get a lasting boost from it?

P.S. BotanicWise T-shirts are now available for purchase at Taproot Threads! Custom options are also available for pre-order. 100% of proceeds benefit Taproot Threads, a sustainable clothing company. 

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