I woke up this morning thinking about my Dad.
I used to think 50 was old.
He’s in his 80’s now, but shortly after his 50th birthday he suffered his first cardiovascular event: a pulmonary embolism. He was at his office that day, strolling down the wide hallway, when he fainted. I still remember the feeling of terror that gripped me when I saw him in the hospital. I was only a teen, and seeing my dad stuck in bed, hooked up to machines…in a nighty, no less…traumatized my image of him as immortal.
For decades after I spent a lot of time worrying he might die at any moment.
Now that he is officially old (according to my new parameters) I can reflect on some of the factors that saved his life several times over three decades. Conventional medical intervention definitely played a role: he wouldn’t be with us now without it. But I have no doubt that diet, exercise, enthusiasm for life and a deep sense of being loved were just as important.
A symphony of healing gave me the opportunity to know my father in my adult years; something I treasure every single day.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of people…not just men, as is so commonly thought…but everyone is included in this group. It is the number one cause of death worldwide and yet preventive care amounts to low-cholesterol diets, exercise and baby aspirin.
As a natural health practitioner I do have a few more options for my patients: hawthorn and reishi are two of my favorites. But when it comes to managing cholesterol naturally, or high blood pressure, some people need more support.
This is a little bit of the story behind why I asked Guido Masé to teach a class on natural cardiovascular care last June at the Allies for Plants and People Symposium. After that class I was so motivated and inspired to share his work with my patients, my colleagues and anyone willing to listen. And I wanted to learn more.
That is why Natural Cardio Care: An Herbalist’s Perspective with Guido Masé is here.
It is time to bump up our game when thinking about longevity.
We need to equip ourselves with a depth of knowledge about the plants and natural methods that strengthen and protect the cardiovascular system.
I will be in class Monday night, ready to take notes, eager to learn and ask questions of one of the brightest minds in the herbal world, Guido Masé. I hope you will be there too.
Natural Cardio Care: An Herbalist’s Perspective with Guido Masé. The first live class will be Monday, January 21, 7 PM EST. All live classes will be recorded and available as replays through August, 2019
Here’s what I love about this course:
Guido Masé makes a complicated subject easy to understand. Every class is worth it!
Guest speakers each week add to the rich content with their own unique perspective on heart health.
While the course runs live for 6 weeks, you have 7 months to complete and review the material.
BEST of all? Using weekly quizzes and assessments (optional of course!) Guido guides you through the steps so that you can create your own custom, natural cardio care protocol. In just 6 weeks you will be well on your way to better cardiovascular health.
The course schedule is outlined here for your convenience.