Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


BotanicWise Calendar

As we ease into ever-so-slightly longer days here in the Northeast, my heart is lightened and I look forward to a year of connecting with and supporting friends, community and the beloved plants!

I often take the colder months to stick my head into the books and enjoy learning from my favorite herbalists and mentors. There is always something new to learn and inspire me in my work! I wanted to share this quote by Guido Masé:

“We live in a connected world. Not connected by the threads of modern human-to-human telecommunication, but by our interactions with the plants, animals, mushrooms, microbes, soil and stone, water, air, fire and light with whom we share the biosphere.”

— Guido Masé

This quote feels more like a reminder to me: encouraging me to make space every day, even in the bitter cold, even in a small way, to connect with nature. The moment I lift my head and open my senses to the outdoors, my spirit is enlivened and my heart fills with hope for what can be, and for what already is.

I am also pausing for a moment to share the upcoming 2020 BotanicWise highlights:

January 23, 7:00 pm ET: Herbs for Vibrant Cardiovascular Health with Guido Masé: a FREE webinar that will get you started using herbs for cardiovascular health now. Register to save your seat.

February 3 – March 19: Natural Cardio Care: An Herbalist’s Perspective with Guido Masé: Join Guido Masé as he takes you on a 6-week in-depth look at the cardiovascular system and natural methods for improving health. Learn how to create a customized protocol using self-assessments and map an effective plan for better health.

June 12 – 14: Allies for Plants and People: A fantastic herbal weekend in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, featuring internationally acclaimed herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, David Winston, Guido Masé, Tammi Sweet, Matthias Reisen and Paul Bergner. Details coming soon!

September 25 – 27: BotanicWise Women’s Herbal Gathering, aka MidAtlantic Women’s Herbal Conference – 10th Anniversary! Featuring Tammi Sweet, Amikaeyla Gaston, Kate Gilday and more. Always a memorable and special weekend. Save the date!

November 2 – December 10: Keeping Your Brain Brilliant with Dr. Charis Lindrooth

Of course, we will keep you updated about these and other spontaneous events that evolve throughout the year.

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