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Tag: Healing

An Essential Nutrient for the Brain

Did you know that fluid in your bladder, as well as adequate cellular hydration, triggers alertness? This is why we wake up at night when ...
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Make your own Magnesium Lotion

Make your own Magnesium Lotion Recipe by Chanchal Cabrera, from her book, Holistic Cancer Care Use this lotion to relax smooth muscles and improve circulation. ...
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Charis Lindrooth

My life might have been different

A young woman walks into a health clinic complaining of disabling menstrual pain, tension headaches, tight, sore muscles, and fatigue. At this moment, she has ...
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Finding Peace: A Personal Yoga Journey with Kerry Smith

When someone develops a regular yoga practice, even one as simple as mindful breathing, miracles can happen. For me yoga has been an incredibly personal ...
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A Symphony of Healing

I woke up this morning thinking about my Dad. I used to think 50 was old. He’s in his 80’s now, but shortly after his ...
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“Dare to Be Dauntless”

The moment I began watching Amikaeyla Gaston speak on the TEDx Gramercy 2014 video, I knew she would be ...

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