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Tag: Brain

Embracing the world – Leaning into it all

Omega Institute hosted Pema Chödrön for her final in-person retreat recently. Pema has influenced me profoundly. I rediscovered her teachings in the middle of the ...
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Learning to Balance with Parkinson’s

I awoke early to the rising crescent moon, red as the poppies in the field below the barn. A dream followed me into that first ...
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“Nectar of the Gods”: Olive Oil for a Better Brain

“Let food be your medicine” is a banner that followers of the Mediterranean diet could legitimately wave with enthusiasm. They could raise a second banner, ...
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The Symphony of the Whole Brain

I have always been fascinated with the idea that the left and right sides of the brain have unique “personalities” and that by learning more ...
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Hope for a Better Brain

If you could do something plain and simple now to prevent a future decline in your brain health, wouldn’t you want to know about it? ...
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Dance for Better Brain Health

If they can do it, so can I, right?!! According to the Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute dance “has such beneficial effects on the brain that ...
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Clear the Mental Clutter with a Spring Cleanse, Part 4

In my first post in this series, I outlined the first step in a natural brain care cleanse: Balance.  That’s where we assess the role sugar takes ...
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Clear the Mental Clutter with a Spring Cleanse, Part 3

In my first post in this series, I outlined the first step in a natural brain care cleanse: Balance.  That’s where we assess the role sugar takes ...
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Clear the Mental Clutter with a Spring Cleanse, Part 2

Spring has finally made a shy appearance at my home in Pennsylvania and I couldn’t be happier.  I am lucky enough to live on a ...
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Clear the Mental Clutter with a Spring Cleanse, Part 1

I have a habit of avoiding cleanses. They torture me, turning my focus inward and stirring feelings of deprivation and wanting – feelings that I’d ...
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