Women's Herbal Gathering starts in...


Tag: Plants

The Art of Plant Communication

Plants and trees give us life. But the exchange isn’t one-sided. Through our breath, specifically the carbon dioxide we exhale, we also give them life. ...
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Herbal Medicine: the Thread that Connects Us to Nature by Guido Masé

I am an endless optimist. I believe we can have access to the amazing technologies we’ve developed, and stay sustainable, too – but only if ...
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Lessons from the Plants

After receiving several requests to share my opening remarks at the Allies for Plants and People in June…here they are…I hope you find some inspiration ...
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Growing for Balance

“Now it behoves anyone, who desires to be a skillful herbalist, to be present when the plants first shoot out of the earth, when they ...
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“When In Doubt, Try Nettles!”

This quip was pronounced by David Hoffman, herbal guru of immense proportion, at the International Herbal Symposium some years ago. While his audience laughed at ...
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