Tag: Herbalist

Cordyceps militaris

Age Gracefully with Cordyceps

As we age, change is inevitable. We look at ourselves in the mirror and trace the passage of time – often, we see our aging ...
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Energetic Herbalism

Energetic Herbalism: The ancient practice that superpowers plants

Kat Maier and I have been “scheming” for over a year – we’re excited to offer The Power of Energetic and Intuitive Herbalism on Saturday, January 21. ...
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Too Cold for Smoothies! ❄

I noticed this week that I’ve lost my taste for my daily smoothie – or at least I became aware that I needed another sweater ...
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A Lesson from Mother Nature

You know that thing that people tell you, about how time goes faster and faster the older you get? It’s really true. As a child, ...
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Yarrow: A Warrior Healer

A common wildflower across the United States, yarrow’s white-to-pink flowers are easy to spot in fallow fields and roadsides. The leaves of this medicinal plant ...
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Walk the Plant Path

I remember the first time I went on an “herb walk.” This event coincided with my first herbal conference, one of the most healing and ...
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Getting Hipsey with Roses

Last year I started what I hope will expand into a medicinal botanical sanctuary. Besides the classic culinary herbs, rosemary, sage and thyme, which make ...
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Make Friends with Mullein

In the “Back 20” we have a field of uncultivated wildness. I love to wander there in the early morning. The Farmer, my hub, has ...
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Talking with Naren Udgan, Shaman from Mongolia

Naren Udgan was born and raised in the Ordos region of Inner Mongolia, and spent her early years living with her grandmother, a ...

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Meeting David Winston

Two and a half decades ago I found a family. The first time I stepped into my first herbal conference, Medicines from the Earth, in ...
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