In the Garden with Kathi Keville

I recently returned home from the New England Women’s Herbal Conference where I had the honor as a featured teacher, sharing my work on natural brain care, immunity and autoimmunity. My heart is filled at these gatherings. I have such joy connected with friends and learning new things from the other amazing teachers.

Last year I met Kathi Keville. Kathi has been in love with plants for more than 30 years.  Friends with Rosemary Gladstar, she took part in the modern American herbal renaissance. She lives in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in a home surrounded by her own botanical sanctuary. She has collected more than 450 medicinal plants, and has a special interest in aromatic plants. She makes her own essential oils and teaches aromatherapy and herbal medicine from her garden. 

 Kathi teaches classes about plant medicine from her garden classroom.
Kathi teaches classes about plant medicine from her garden classroom.

Kathi will be coming to the MidAtlantic Women’s Herbal Conference in just a few weeks. She will be teaching aromatherapy and women’s health and promises to bring some of her favorite plants from her garden. I can’t wait to see her treasures and learn from her. View the entire Conference Schedule

Kathi Keville lives surrounded by Green Medicine Herb School gardens, cultivating more than 450 medicinal plant species. She has been offering seminars for over 40 years on herbs, aromatherapy, and sustainable foraging in North America and Europe. Kathi has written 15 herb books, over 150 magazine articles, and has a KVMR radio show and Dish TV aromatherapy show. She is director of the American Herb Association director.

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