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An Essential Nutrient for the Brain

Did you know that fluid in your bladder, as well as adequate cellular hydration, triggers alertness? This is why we wake up at night when we need to pee, but it also means that drinking ...

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Standing in Solidarity

With respect to George Floyd, his family, and the demonstrations, we’re cancelling some of the pre-conference events that were scheduled for this week. Black Lives ...
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COVID-19: Clot and Stroke Prevention?

Mounting evidence that COVID-19 manifests as a vascular disease has been recently highlighted in the news. New treatment parameters are looking at the use of ...
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Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory Symptoms

Some of the best respiratory remedies can be found in our kitchens! This is great news during this period of crisis when many medications are ...
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Hobbs Blender Tea

Hobbs’ Blender Tea Recipe

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Hobbs Garlic Syrup

Hobbs’ Garlic Syrup for Respiratory Health

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Coronavirus Chart

The Role of ACE2 and Treatment Implications for COVID-19

The topic of this article was inspired by a series of concerns circulating via social media about the impact of certain blood pressure medications, as ...
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Guido Mase

When I Met Guido Masé

  The first time I met Guido Masé was after I had already invited him to teach at the first Allies for Plants and People ...
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BotanicWise Calendar

As we ease into ever-so-slightly longer days here in the Northeast, my heart is lightened and I look forward to a year of connecting with ...
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Chocolate, Intimacy and the Heart by Guido Masé

Love, death, rebirth – such is the cycle of fertility and renewal. Perhaps none knew this better than the Mesoamerican cultures that dwelled in present-day ...
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Natural Cardio Care

Pay Attention to Your Heart by Guido Masé

The following excerpt is published with permission from Guido Masé. Read more on his blog. Begin with your heart, your pulse. Take a moment to ...
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The Hawthorn Tree: Food for the Heart

Plants under stress begin to overproduce valuable pigments called “polyphenols.” These precious micronutrients abound in berries and other highly pigmented fruits and vegetables, and, when eaten, they ...
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What Herbs Teach Us by Guido Masé

The following are some thoughts that were part of Guido Masé’s presentation to the Bastyr community during the Herb and Food Fair. Re-published with his ...
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