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The Science of “WOW!” 💥

I’m a thrill seeker. Okay, that might be an overstatement. More to the point, I am an “awe” seeker. I’m blessed to live in a home where I can easily watch the sky. Peachy sunrises, ...

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What Herbs Teach Us by Guido Masé

The following are some thoughts that were part of Guido Masé’s presentation to the Bastyr community during the Herb and Food Fair. Re-published with his ...
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Stocking Your Home Medicine Kit

The key to using natural remedies against common winter-time illnesses is catching initial symptoms and having the right remedy at arm’s length. Recognizing symptoms early ...
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Herbal Holidays

As the holidays approach, searching for the perfect recipe gathers momentum. We all have our favorites that we rely on year in and year out ...
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Eat Fiber for a Better Brain

Way back, about 10 thousand years ago, eating lots of fiber was a way of life. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived off sour, fibrous and wild ...
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“Nectar of the Gods”: Olive Oil for a Better Brain

“Let food be your medicine” is a banner that followers of the Mediterranean diet could legitimately wave with enthusiasm. They could raise a second banner, ...
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A Lesson from Mother Nature

You know that thing that people tell you, about how time goes faster and faster the older you get? It’s really true. As a child, ...
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Yarrow: A Warrior Healer

A common wildflower across the United States, yarrow’s white-to-pink flowers are easy to spot in fallow fields and roadsides. The leaves of this medicinal plant ...
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Finding Peace: A Personal Yoga Journey with Kerry Smith

When someone develops a regular yoga practice, even one as simple as mindful breathing, miracles can happen. For me yoga has been an incredibly personal ...
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Live a Little Magic

I’ve always believed in magic.  It’s irresistible.   Still, so many days of my adult years have been occupied with the stress of responsibilities that coincide with ...
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Walk the Plant Path

I remember the first time I went on an “herb walk.” This event coincided with my first herbal conference, one of the most healing and ...
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Getting Hipsey with Roses

Last year I started what I hope will expand into a medicinal botanical sanctuary. Besides the classic culinary herbs, rosemary, sage and thyme, which make ...
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Secrets of the Garden: The Magical World of Bacteria

In the garden, the soil at our feet is teeming with life. Beyond worms and arthropods which can be seen with the naked eye, microbia ...
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