Do you feel radiant? Can you see yourself dancing in the kitchen? Or jogging in the park? Does your spirit feel free?
Let’s face it… in spite of amazing advances in modern medicine, people are struggling with chronic illnesses. In fact, the rate of diabetes has increased more than 50% in the past 15 years.
“Among the general U.S. population, all four CV risk factors are expected to increase from 2025 to 2060, with the largest percentage increase in diabetes (39.3% increase to 55 million persons), followed by dyslipidemia (27.6% to 126M), hypertension (25.1% to 162M) and obesity (18.3% to 126M).”
Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, autoimmunity and cardiovascular disease are on the rise. And, these conditions are starting to show up in the younger population, impacting productivity, and mental health.
The effects of inflammation and poor vitality show up in our daily lives in a myriad of ways. If you’ve experienced any of the following, your body is calling for help!
- Brain fog
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Muscle tension
- Poor concentration
- Anxiety and depression
- Immune disorders
- Fatigue
- Cramps and painful menses
- Hormonal imbalance
- Mood swings
- Chronic stress
- Insomnia
- Headaches and migraines
- Fibromyalgia
The demands of modern-day work and life require our body to perform at its peak. And yet, how often do we focus on nourishing ourselves on a daily basis?
The good news is the universe is conspiring to give us everything we need to be nourished!
Nourishing ourselves by eating the essential foods and supplements for vitality are crucial for health and well-being.
In Nourished, herbalist Paul Bergner is our experienced guide, leading us on an amazing journey to restore vitality by building our reservoirs of essential nutrients.
Imagine your body as a collection of reservoirs — we have reserves of magnesium in our muscles, zinc in our cells, and calcium in our bones. One reservoir might be a little bit empty, the next one half empty, and another running almost dry. Our goal is to fill each reservoir so they are all in balance.
Picture this: a young woman walks into an herbal clinic complaining of tension headaches, tight muscles, menstrual cramps and fatigue. What does the herbalist do? She might think of 20 antispasmodic herbs that could ease the symptoms – and wouldn’t it be great for this woman to be pain-free? But if the root of her symptoms comes from a depleted magnesium reservoir, what happens if the anti-spasmodic stops the pain, and hides the deficiency?
While targeted herbal and vitamin supplements can provide temporary relief, they can also mask our deficient reservoirs. When we provide our body with a diverse, well-balanced diet full of vital micro and macronutrients, our body self-regulates to keep our reservoirs in balance.
We are Nourished.
What's Inside this Program?
Understanding the underlying deficiencies that impact our health today –– where they come from and how to identify them is a crucial first step towards restoring our vitality.
Paul will reveal the most common deficiencies and imbalances and show you how to design a flexible nutritional regimen to restore optimal nourishment.
How much protein do we need? What kind of magnesium is most readily absorbed? What is the best preventive regimen for osteoporosis? Learn how to design your own personalized restorative protocol that addresses common deficiencies and imbalances with specific precision.
Paul will show you how these imbalances and deficiencies, including the chronic health conditions that frequently accompany them, are linked to specific dietary patterns…
- Eating Disorders
- Junk-Food Vegetarian
- SAD Diet (Standard American Diet)
- Stress-Carbohydrate
- Insulin Resistance
- Food Intolerances
- Protein –– how much is enough, and what are the healthiest options?
- Minerals –– magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron –– the foods rich in these minerals, the most absorbable forms, and interactions between them
- Essential fatty acids –– their protective role and which fats and oils are the safest
- Vitamins commonly deficient, including D and B vitamins –– when and how to supplement, and how to get them from your diet
Learn which foods are highest in these nutrients and receive handouts for easy reference.
And the best part? You’ll learn specific nutritional protocols to support normal immunity, reduce inflammation, correct insulin resistance, improve diabetic control, correct female hormone imbalances, and address chronic stress or fatigue.
Paul will share strategies for making dietary changes that reinforce the positive urge for nutrition rather than deprivational strategies of elimination. You’ll understand the positive vital intent of cravings and learn how to satisfy them with authentic nutrition.
“Nourishment does not mean taking anything away. Nourish means to add something. Something irresistibly delicious!”
~ Paul Bergner
Paul shares the most nutrient-dense, common and affordable foods to add to your daily meals to improve nutrition and satisfaction. Join him in the kitchen where he demonstrates simple recipes that are rich in minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.
Everything in this program is based on Paul’s extensive experience –– seen repeatedly in thousands of patients at his teaching clinics. Rather than hypothetical, Paul’s theories are grounded in actual experience and outcomes.
In 6 weeks you’ll be ready to build a nourishing foundation that restores and balances your body’s reservoirs so that vitality can blossom, and the herbs given to us can work deeply for true and lasting healing.
To be able to understand how to really balance your nutrition, to lay a solid foundation for herbs and other healing modalities to work –– this is an indispensable life skill. To be able to help those around you – family, friends, clients –– that is changing lives around you.
“This is the information I wish I had known as a practitioner, starting out after I graduated from chiropractic school. Not just as a practitioner, but also for my own self-care.”
~ Charis Lindrooth
What's in the Curriculum?
The live classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time, plus time for questions.
They are all recorded, with replays being posted the next day, and you have access to them forever.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The Vital Role of Protein in Nourishing Health with Paul Bergner
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Trends in Protein Nutrition Research with Paul Bergner
Paul will review the history of dietary protein recommendations in the U.S. and the current trends in protein nutrition research from the last twenty years. The shift in research has been away from the amount necessary to prevent deficiency to the amount necessary for optimal clinical outcomes. He will also review various non-protein nutrients in meat and fish. He will demonstrate how to calculate the optimal protein for your own diet.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Fats and Oils; Calcium and Magnesium with Paul Bergner
Not all fats are equal. Paul will offer a protocol for optimizing healthy fats in your diet and avoiding harmful ones. He will also discuss the nutrient pair, calcium and magnesium. A list of whole foods rich in each nutrient will be provided, as well as the bottom line on vitamin and mineral nutrition for optimal bone health.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
The Benefits of Boosting Fiber with Christopher Hobbs
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Vitamins D and B with Paul Bergner
Nutrition science in the last twenty years has shown that most people in northern and southern temperate zones are deficient or suboptimal in vitamin D. During winter, when the sun is low in the sky, this deficiency becomes even more severe. Paul will describe the powerful benefits of maintaining optimal vitamin D levels and offer a protocol for supplementation. B vitamins are also frequently deficient, and Paul will share his protocol for obtaining them in a balanced way, including the richest food sources.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Drink up! The Importance of Hydration for Your Health with Tammi Sweet
There are numerous benefits to staying hydrated, and yet many of us don’t drink enough. Water helps regulate body temperature, boosts physical performance, supports digestion, immunity, and healthy skin. Staying hydrated boosts cognitive function and day-to-day energy. How does this work? What is the best way to maintain a healthy water balance? Tammi will bring the science and physiology of proper hydration to life and show you how to improve your water balance.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Nutrition for Optimal Function and Syndrome Support with Paul Bergner
Many of us struggle with chronic conditions on a daily basis. Identifying deficiencies and restoring a balanced nutrient intake can be life-altering. Paul will reveal effective diet and supplementation protocols for various conditions such as immunity, inflammation, insulin resistance, female hormonal balance, and the adrenal stress response. Paul’s approach creates the foundation of a successful vital approach to chronic conditions.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Dietary Patterns and Trends with Paul Bergner
In his teaching clinics since 1996, Paul and his colleagues have found common patterns in the modern population, which helped them to develop protocols for correcting imbalances and deficiencies. Paul will address the Standard American Diet, The Fast-Food Vegetarian, The Stress-Burnout pattern, the Food Intolerance pattern, Disordered Eating, and Insulin Resistance, and offer protocols to increase nourishment and remove harmful substances in each.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Making Changes: Crafting a Nourishing Diet with Paul Bergner
It’s hard to make changes, especially if it means letting go of our favorite comfort food. Having a concrete plan in place is the key to success. Paul will share psychological and tactical strategies for making positive, even tempting, dietary changes emphasizing nourishment and satisfaction rather than deprivation. By focusing on additions and substitutions rather than eliminations, a transformation in diet can be both satisfying and effective. This class is all about the mental and emotional aspects of our relationship with food.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Choosing a Nutrient-Dense Diet with Paul Bergner
Once you realize the need to change your diet, how do you get started? By substituting nutrient-dense foods for modern devalued items, you can start to build a solid foundation for optimal health. Paul will share the most nutrient-dense foods, including a food resource list, and teach you how to shop and prepare foods for antioxidant richness, vegetable density, and snack satisfaction. He will share his favorite recipes for nutrient-dense meals and snacks.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
What’s Cooking? Kitchen Hacks with Paul Bergner
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Final Wrap-Up and Q&A with Paul Bergner
Bring your questions!
This program also includes the following bonus materials…
The Healing Power of Minerals and Trace Elements
by Paul Bergner
(abridged PDF eBook)
3 hours of Bonus Pre-recorded Audio
Herbalism and nutrition in history • Dietary root of modern diseases • Sources of nutritional info • Nutrition protocol and supplementation:
200 Presentation
References included
+ 42 pages of
supplemental readings
Study Guide and Self-evaluation Checklists
About Your Teacher

Paul Bergner
Paul Bergner is Director of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. He is a medical herbalist, clinical nutritionist, educator, author, and naturalist. He has studied and practiced natural medicine, nutrition, and medical herbalism since 1973, has written seven books, and has published and edited the Medical Herbalism journal since 1989. Paul has taught all aspects of clinical herbalism/nutrition since 1996 and has taught academically at university undergraduate and master's levels. He has mentored more than 400 students through 8-month clinical residency programs.
In addition to the core classes taught live by Paul Bergner, we’ve lined up additional teachers to add even more depth to the topics!

Dr. Christopher Hobbs
Dr. Christopher Hobbs is a fourth-generation, internationally renowned herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, herbal clinician, research scientist, consultant to the dietary supplement industry, expert witness, botanist, and mycologist with over 35 years of experience.
He is the author or co-author of over 20 books, including the new “Christopher Hobbs’ Medicinal Mushrooms, the Essential Guide” and winner of the 2021 American Botanical Council James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award.
Christopher has lectured on herbal medicine worldwide. He earned his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, one of the world’s most prestigious universities, with research and publication in evolutionary biology, biogeography, phylogenetics, plant chemistry, and ethnobotany.
Not only is he a science geek, but he also has a wealth of clinical experience as a licensed acupuncturist and herbal clinician. He literally is a fountain of information, but most importantly, Christopher has a gentle, mindful way with which he approaches both his work and his day-to-day life, with an eager desire to most of all make the planet a kinder place to live.

Tammi Sweet
Tammi Sweet is a passionate and energetic teacher. She brings 30 years teaching experience into the classroom. Her amazement and wonder of the human body and how it works shines through as she presents the material in ways people can understand and utilize. She loves integrating the wisdom of the body with all aspects of living.
Presently she co-directs her Herbal Program at Heartstone Herbal School, and teaches throughout the country. Her learning of the body has come through many paths including a master's degree in neurobiology, teaching anatomy & physiology, massage school, yoga teacher training, herbal studies, collegiate athletics and most importantly, an ever-growing love of understanding who we are in relation with this wonderful home we call the earth.
Are you ready to learn the tools to feel Nourished and to Nourish those you love?
Nourished: Foundations of Herbal Nutrition
gives you the tools you need to start today!
6-week course with live classes
Huge savings on Paul Bergner's Food for Optimal Health
The Healing Power of Minerals and Trace Elements EBook
A vibrant active community to support you
Lifetime access to program

100% Worth It!
We are so committed to our programs we will happily refund your full tuition price within 30 days of purchase if you are unhappy with it.
Need Help or Have Questions?
Program Overview
In 6 weeks you’ll be ready to build a nourishing foundation that restores and balances your body’s reservoirs so that vitality can blossom, and the herbs given to us can work deeply for true and lasting healing. Core classes will be taught by Paul Bergner. Special guests add to the core material: Tammi Sweet and Christopher Hobbs.
You will learn the most common deficiencies and imbalances and show you how to design a flexible nutritional regimen to restore optimal nourishment. Paul will show you how these imbalances and deficiencies, including the chronic health conditions that frequently accompany them, are linked to specific dietary patterns. Backed by an extensive review of the literature, Paul will highlight the essential nutrient requirements for optimal nourishment. Learn which foods are highest in these nutrients and receive handouts for easy reference.
This course will take place within BotanicWise’s virtual Mighty Network Community.
The BotanicWise virtual community is compatible with all devices so you can conveniently access all class materials at home or on the go. You can download the Mighty Networks App directly from the App Store or Google Play Store by searching for "Mighty Networks." The iOS app is compatible for both iPhone and iPad, and the Android app is designed to work perfectly on your favorite Android device. Otherwise, you can use Text Me the App, the prompt at the bottom of your Personal Settings page of your Mighty Network account.
Who Is This Program Perfect For?
The course is geared towards both practitioners and individuals who have some experience with herbal medicine and self care.
This is an online program that requires a computer, laptop, or device with internet access. If you lack the technology or know-how to participate online, this program may not be an option for you.
Tuition and Guarantee
Full tuition for this in-depth course is $375.
There is no expiration date for access to course materials.
No, there is no need to renew membership. Your tuition includes ongoing access to course materials.
Yes! We offer a 100% “Worth It” guarantee. We are so committed to our programs we will happily refund you your full tuition price if you are unhappy with the course. Refunds must be requested within 30 days of purchase.
We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal.
Last Little Details
- This program was developed over a period of more than twenty-five years, and delivered in various formats to hundreds of advanced students of herbalism, nutrition, and naturopathic medicine as part of their pre-clinical training.
- Tuition to the course includes access to Paul Bergner and the guest teachers during live sessions.
The program, Food for Optimal Health, focused on identifying and removing food intolerances. Nourishing is an in depth look at vitamin and mineral deficiencies in modern diets with all the information you need to prevent and treat them.
In addition to class Q&A sessions, students will receive all the presentation slides with references, many pages of supplemental readings, 3 hours of pre-recorded audio classes, and an abridged PDF copy of The Healing Power of Minerals and Trace Elements by Paul Bergner. Access to these materials never expires.
Yes! Classes include live Q&A sessions, plus you may reach out with questions at any time via the BotanicWise community chat feature.
Please reach out to the BotanicWise Team with any questions using contact form below!