Andrea and Matthias Reisen

Andrea and Matthias Reisen have been community herbalists for over 30 years, co-founding Healing Spirits Herb Farm and Education Center located in Wallace, New York. Healing Spirits Herb Farm has been producing high quality certified organic medicinal herbs and mushrooms both fresh and dry for shipment throughout the United States and abroad.

Both Andrea and Matthias are former Peace Corp volunteers in the Philippines. They have studied numerous body therapies and are certified as Zero Balancing Therapists. They have encouraged many farmers to consider growing herbs and working with the land in new and different ways. Matthias works with Farmer to Farmer organizations and has volunteered for projects in Nepal, Belarus, Jamaica, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.

Together they have raised five children with three generations living on the farm. Their goal is to live and work in balance and harmony with mother nature and humankind.

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