All the sessions are organized around Tracks. This allows you to choose a focus for the weekend. By choosing a track you can go deep on a topic and connect with other participants in small networking discussions focused on that track. Tracks are optional so you may also design your own schedule.
New to Herbs
Are you ready to start using plants to support your health, but unsure where to begin? This track is for anyone, but is especially geared to guide folks who are new to the world of herbs as medicine. From basic plant identification to beginner’s medicine making, the classes in this track will inspire you to start using herbs safely and sustainably.
Immune Care
All around the world, herbalists, plants and fungi have been called for during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential that we understand the basic workings of the immune system, and how plants/fungi interact can be supportive, as well as antimicrobial. This track is designed to help you support and prepare the immune system for what lies ahead.
Stress Care
Managing stress levels is key to our immunity and longevity. Many plants offer tonic properties which can be profoundly supportive and restorative to folks who have been struggling with chronic stress. This track highlights an array of plants and how they address common stress-related conditions.
Mushrooms for Health
Medicinal mushrooms have been spotlighted throughout the recent pandemic for their profound immune properties and antiviral activity. This track takes the mushroom enthusiast through and beyond medicinal benefits of mushrooms for human health, into field identification, cataloguing species and a broader understanding of the global impact fungi have on healing the planet.
Growing an Herbal Biz
Have you ever considered turning your love of medicinal plants into a profitable business? Are you already an herbalist, who is ready to teach an online course, or grow and make medicine? This track offers the experience of the pros who are ready to share their skills and tips for growing herbs, taking your business online and working face-to-face with clients.
Allies for Plants & People Starts in...
A portion of the proceeds for this event are donated to United Plant Savers. Join UPS today to help save endangered and at-risk native medicinal plants.